Chingu Weekly Vol. 59 — Featuring glimpses from remote dev team collaboration

Chance McAllister
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2018


Grow with Google scholarships, jobs, & rough work from remote developer teams!

from a Voyage-4 team, to be revealed in the upcoming showcase ;p

News & Opportunities

🎉 Congratulations @Kevinbriggs for getting a new dev job!!

🎉 Congratulations Pankaja for getting an new job offer at a startup!!

🎉 Congratulations @Louis for getting a new contract at a bootcamp teaching developers!

🎉 Congratulations to everyone who got the Grow with Google scholarship!

Ardrion, jdmedlock, jonMaldia, lestec, ndrwknx, pai, Tia, Vannya, Ana Veiga, curiouscc, Maira Martins, Kmoi238, mussol, puritanic

🍾 Congratulations Goran Rihter on the wedding today!!!

💻 For any ladies in California: ngGirls is hosting a workshop on May 11th at the Angular headquarters. You can apply to join here!!

🎉 CONGRATULATIONS Matthew Burfield for going to (and winning?) the Tanda Hackathon 2018!!

Chingu Voyage-4 is coming to a close — What’s next?!

  1. We’ll keep the slack open for the foreseeable future so people can continue to chat and the teams still collaborating can continue to do that. Before it is closed I’ll give advanced notice so no worries there.
  2. The projects have been coming in and I AM SO EXCITED to share them with everyone! The project showcase will be published in a few weeks. I’ll send it along to everyone when it is ready.
  3. The next cohort session will start in May and if you haven’t applied already, you can apply to a cohort here. 🚀

Shout-outs & Showcases

🔥 Check out Oleksandr Malakhov’s ongoing project here!

🔥Check out Topi Tjukanov’s awesome visualizations!

🔥 For those interested in mindfullness: Chaim Lando wrote an article article on his experience at a silent retreat.

🔥Check out @ardrion’s Grow with Google projects here!

A few glimpses of “rough work” from the team projects in Voyage-4!

These images will give a glimpse of the projects in development, from the very beginning ideation stages, to mockups, to api documentation, to celebratory screenshots, and so on.



Chance McAllister

Founder @ Chingu. Experience Designer. Lifelong learner. Teacher. Runner. Reader. Insatiably curious. Apply here: